We want to see fair representation for people from ethnic minority backgrounds (British Asian) at all levels of sport and ensure that our communities are active and healthy, with year-on-year decreases in the health inequalities which currently exist. We want to see connected communities, working and playing together in a cohesive manner which promotes better cultural awareness and understanding.
We want to see progress in all areas of sport and physical activity, for positive role models to exist and be championed.
We know this is a long journey, but we are committed to this work and know that many others are too – we want to lead a movement away from tokenistic engagement and short-term campaigns and instead focus our resources on building and developing collaborations that will deliver positive change.
We know that these people and organisations exist, but too often they do so outside of the system and without the benefits of sustained support. We will empower these inspiring, local people and organisations to take the lead and support them to drive
positive change.
We will help people and organisations:
UK South Asians suffer from higher rates of cardiovascular disease and diabetes; these groups are also known to perform less physical activity than the White British population and this is particularly true of some women from South Asian groups.
There is also much work to be done around cultural awareness and understanding and we see sports’ ability to bring people of different backgrounds together as a key tenet of our work.